Humans are born innately curious, equipped with tools and perseverance to succeed in life. We are so strong and capable, full of great intuition and instincts. As babies and young children, we know our own truth and speak it confidently. As we grow, in order to fit in with life and society around us, we compromise our needs and ideals. We want to please others and feel acceptance. As a result, we may sacrifice our own beliefs. In helping people find their inner power, I am working to help restore the natural and optimal state of our beings. Through reconnection with their core, humans can realize their full potential and embrace their individuality, thus feeling more internal peace and fulfillment.

My journey has opened my eyes to the human plight. People are struggling, stressed, and out of touch with community connections. They are out of touch with their own inner voice. We get lost in “should” and swept in the sea of what others are doing. There are so many obstacles in our path to healthy intra and interpersonal relationships. We feel the individual and collective pain of anxiety and depression, addiction, systemic oppression, transgenerational and personal traumas. Life is hard. Our culture, societal priorities, and damaged relationships have clouded people’s natural abilities to listen to themselves and be completely mentally aware and awake.

However, despite this disharmony we can achieve great beauty and righteousness. People are strong. We are strong individually and even stronger collectively. Our minds and bodies are capable of so much. My journey has led me through my own personal study of people, the mind, human development and behavior. My natural insight takes me far. My professional training and experience have allowed me to further my research on this path, in a way that fits beautifully and holistically within the life I live.

We each hold the key to our own choices and optimal being. Personal growth will best occur in a safe, comfortable environment in which there is space, time and freedom to explore feelings and identify personal truths. As a psychotherapist, I work respectfully alongside others and assist in their journey toward highest personal evolution. Change is possible and absolutely necessary for the empowerment of individuals, families and communities. I am able to connect with people, listen without judgment, and offer a fresh perspective with unconditional regard.

I see myself as a role model of living consciously, passionately and with purposeful direction. I feel confident in my talents and abilities, my skills and intuition. My professional experience and academic training, in conjunction with my life experience, have provided me the tools necessary to lead in reparative self-exploration, providing support and perspective along the way. I am dedicated and committed to doing my very best.

My aspirations are high. I want to see people living to their fullest potential, in the distinct way that is best for them. Change can start small. One healthy, balanced individual will produce good feelings and energy that are radiant and contagious. This person will be a beacon to others. I wish to be part of this incredible process, as self-discovery allows for greater consciousness and people become the healthiest, happiest versions of themselves.

“Perhaps we should love ourselves so fiercely,

that when others see us

they know exactly how it should be done.”

Rudy Francisco